Coming up for air

Wow… the time has really gotten away from me! I haven’t posted anything here in quite some time so I thought I would write a quick article to let you know what’s been going on.

The last few weeks have been a “whirlwind”… new projects, school starting for my son, out of town visitors, and trading! Every time I thought I was getting a bit of a break, I got pulled back under.

In my absence here on the blog, I have been posting on Facebook. However, I’ve been told via email that many of you do not do social media. So…. I’m finally going to get things going with YouTube videos and live streams.

The YouTube videos will be more about training than anything. I’ve been posting to FaceBook my live trades as I take them. The goal is just to prove to everyone that you CAN make money trading using a simple system with no additional indicators or tools. I think over the past couple of months I’ve shown enough data to prove it. So, I’ll just start doing recaps from here forward as it will be easier to manage with the other things I’m juggling.

Stay tuned for that! I’ll send an email when the first YouTube video is ready.

Thanks for being here and being part of this project!