Dream Killer

Comfort is the killer of dreams. There… I said it. It feels good to get that off my chest.

I hear it all the time, “Brian, I want to learn to do what you do.”

I love to help others. I want my friends and family to be able to have time and location freedom. Heck, I would love for my friends and family to just get the crushing weight of debt off of their shoulders. Unfortunately, it seems that to me that many (maybe most?) people feel comfortable in their current state and have trouble getting motivated (and staying motivated) to get out of their rut.

It is more comfortable to complain about your current state than to take action to change it. We get in a sort of “groove”… get up, go to work, come home, complain about the commute/co-worker/boss/customer, watch TV, go to bed, and repeat. Day after day.

The funny/sad thing is, a small amount of discomfort while learning a new skill can change everything. We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone, forget about those “favorite” shows for a while, forgo that morning drive-thru meal or $5 coffee, and stay up a little later while we study so that we can create a new process that fosters growth.

Anytime I start to feel comfortable or wish for a “groove”, I remind myself of a quote from J. Paul Getty – “One needs only to remember that a groove may be safe… but that, as one wears away at it, the groove becomes first a rut and finally a grave.”

There is no better time than now to get started. I truly want to help. Join my Facebook page and the member’s area of this site to gain access to free training that will help you gain back your freedom.

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